Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Too many kids (and keys).

A few months back my younger brother wrote to me if I had heard of the Black Kids, which I rapidly took as a typo and assumed he was referring to the Black Keys, whom I obviously know and like a lot. But he wasn't.
Shortly after that e-mail I saw him and he asked me again, emphasizing that he wasn't referring to the Black Keys, but to the CMJ praised band out of Florida that once again, and to prove everyone else that DIY is the way today, became known through the Internet, more specific through MySpace.
The Black Kids, who by now I have heard a lot of, play amazing, simple, fast, guitar-garage rock. And they are unpretentiously good. Really worth listening to. Their debut album is yet to be released (I think this month) and it's called Partie Traumatic. But you can get a taste of their songs on their web or MySpace pages.


And BTW, not to be confused with the Cool Kids.

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